Treatments For Keratosis

If you have too much keratin on your skin, you are vulnerable to keratosis. Keratin is the main component of human hair and nails. This is a factor to keratosis’ coarseness and bumpiness. Whatever kind of keratosis you have, there are many treatments available to cure them. But first you have to consult a dermatologist and get diagnosed.

Treatments for Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis can be removed easily because they are just like viral warts in appearance.

•    The actinic keratosis is frozen off in a method called cryosurgery. It would be simpler to remove through freezing.

•    Electrocautery is just like cryosurgery, in this case, electricity is used to burn off actinic keratosis.

•    Among all treatments, laser is confirmed to be the most effective.

•    Although Aldara is proposed for genital warts, it could work for AK as well. It is a kind of drug which changes the immune response.

•    Although 5 Flouracil is a chemotherapy agent, it can be also used for AK. It is a cream or gel applied on the affected area, then the actinic keratosis reddens and swells and eventually falls off.

Treatments for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris resembles chicken skin. They can also appear like acne. KPs can be hard to manage and remove, and actually there is no real cure for KP.

•    The use of creams with Tretinoin, the acid form of vitamin A can help alleviate this condition. This kind of treatment is also used for acne. It works by hastening skin growth, so that keratin will not overproduce on skin.   There will be less chances of developing KP if hair follicles would not get clogged.

•    Another kind of retinoid that can help in improving KP is Adapelene. Adapelene also exfoliates dead skin.

Treatments for Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis and actinic keratosis are almost the same, but in this case seborrheic keratosis is fatty. Seborrheic keratosis is somewhat associated to the sebaceous glands, thus has greasy properties. Although it is not a great health hazard, it could damage one’s self esteem. The treatments could be the next.

•    Cryotherapy could also be administered to SK, but it is most effective in minor cases.

•    Curettage is a method that uses a medical tool called the curette. The SK is scraped off, but SK can come back if there are no other sorts of treatment applied with it.

•    Seborrheic keratosis can also be removed through laser treatments.

•    Electrocautery is usually combined with curettage.

Now you are aware of the treatments, it is time to ask your doctor what type of treatment will be suitable for you.

Keratosis Further ReadingFurther Reading:

Keratosis Treatments

Keratosis WebsitesWebsite Reading:

Keratosis Treatment – Actinic Keratosis – Seborrheic Keratosis – Ag3derm