An overview of Keratosis:
Summer is the best time to stay outdoors. This time of the year is the most profitable season for commercial beach resorts. You even have such memorable moments during the summer by sun bathing, doing water sports and many more. However, you should pay attention to your sun exposure. Why?
Sun exposure has advantages and disadvantages. Subjecting yourself to the sun is best especially when done early in the morning. But overexposure on intense sunlight presents danger. One of which is skin problems like keratosis. This condition results from excessive protein accumulation called keratin. Its manifestations are dependent on factors such the kind of keratosis concerned. Variety on its manifestations is the main reason it is misdiagnosed as warts, moles, acne even skin cancer. Some kinds are harmless while others are pre-cancerous, thus needing medical attention.
Different types include keratosis pilaris or sometimes called follicular keratosis is hereditary and could affect anyone. A common form is seborrheic keratosis which develops for lifetime. Solar or actinic keratosis is a result of overexposure to sunlight. If untreated, this may worsen into skin cancer.
Although not contagious, one should take care of their skin to inhibit this condition from developing. There are numerous effective skin care regimens or treatments in removing existing skin lesions, thus minimizing irritation.
Keratosis is apparent on different areas of the skin. These growths might look like rough, small bumps usually mistaken as acne. Also, they may also appear like a wart. The surface could be similar to that of chicken skin. Because of its various manifestations, it is suggested to seek doctor’s advice for uncertain skin conditions.
The optimum prevention one can take is limit sun exposure. UV radiation on tanning booths also contributes to developing keratosis, especially the solar type. Sun screen effectively delay its development. For hereditary types, there is no known cure for them. Still, proper skin care works best in living with them.
Though benign and does not require any medical treatment, the solar type needs medical attention because it is precancerous. Lesions can be eliminated by medical procedure such as curettage, electrocautery or cryosurgery. Topical medications are also available in removing them such as Diclofenac, Imiquimod and fluorouracil.
Therefore, bear in mind the information given above before indulging in adventurous activities the next summer time. For now, proper caring for your skin is a good start of preventing yourself from developing any form of keratosis.
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