Keratosis, which is also known as (AK) actinic keratosis, solar keratosis and cutaneous horns, is most commonly seen in sunbathers and others who have spent hours working or playing in the sun. Excessive exposure to the powerful rays of the sun is the most common cause of keratosis. Persons with pale skin and light colored eyes are most commonly subjected to the unsightly and uncomfortable bumps of keratosis.
Keratosis is seen most commonly on the exposed areas of the skin including the eyes, ears, nose, face and arms. Avoiding excess exposure to the sun may cause early keratosis bumps to completely vanish. These bumps are considered to be precancerous and to have a 5% to 10% risk of developing into a form of skin cancer such as melanoma. Excessive sunbathers are more prone to develop these dry patches of skin which are red blotches covered with a white and yellowish skin crust. There are sometimes projections of the skin which stick out like a small horns.
Keratosis is also considered to be a risk for those have just experienced an organ transplant or have altered immune systems. Persons who have been treated with the chemical treatment and light treatment for psoriasis are also at a greater risk of developing keratosis.
Keratosis is treated through creams and through surgical procedures including laser treatments. These treatments are effective in removing the precancerous spots completely from the skin. Future exposure to the sun should be avoided and patients can avoid the risk of developing additional keratosis or skin cancer by staying out of the sun.
Keratosis is commonly addressed through creams and simple procedures which eliminate the risk of developing into skin cancer. These bumps can affect the skin in a small pencil point area or in a larger more clustered area. Persons who have enjoyed sunbathing for years are more prone to developing various forms of keratosis. Persons with pale skin are especially prone to developing keratosis and should avoid exposure to the sun. All keratosis should be addressed as early as possible in order to eliminate any further developments and to stop any risk of skin cancer.
The following pages will discuss types of keratosis and the various keratosis treatment methods available.