14th December 2011
Keratosis is the most common infection of skin at the moment. In this disease, small spots of light pink or black color appear on the skin. Almost every person in this world suffers from this disease once in his life. Most of the people think that this disease is the part of growth. But, there are some other people who take it serious and think that this disease is imperfect for the skin when appears on the skin at small age. Keratosis is the skin disease caused by sun rays. When skin is exposed to the sun rays, the production of keratosis cells also increases. Keratinocytes are the main reason of cells production in the body. These cells are the cause of keratosis in the skin. These spots can appear on the back, upper arms or everywhere on the body that is exposed to the sun rays. They vary from minor bumps to major keratoses bumps.
So, many people ask what to do and how to get rid of these spots? Is there any way to get rid of these spots quickly? The removal of these spots is very easy. There are many methods available that are used to get rid of them. Home remedies are the best method to remove these spots. In this method, herbal extracts are involved to remove the spots. Also, liquid nitrogen and surgical removal are also used by doctors to remove them from the skin. These products remove the spots painlessly and provide 100% guaranteed solution. These methods of removal are not only quick and easy, but also 100% natural way of removing keratoses from the skin.
After home remedies, the best method of removal of these spots from the skin is to make the vascular layer of the skin soft so that pores that are blocked can be reduced. You first make sure that your daily routine is such that it will not aggravate these spots. Scrub is the first step of treatment which should be applied on the skin. This way the inner pores of the skin are unlocked. Those people that have dried skins should take lukewarm shower and apply moisturizer. This method is necessary especially in the cold season because during cold season moisture is present in the atmosphere and skin dries quickly than in the summer season. But for others shower is not necessary and the spots can easily be removed from the skin.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
7th December 2011
Actinic Keratosis Removal
Skin problems such as keratosis are the most common problem faced by people all over the world. Every person is suffering from skin diseases that are present in different forms. People look for the treatment, but they do not understand the thing that is the main cause of skin problems. The main cause of skin problems is sun. Sun is the source of heat generation in the world, but along with heat, UV rays also reach us. These UV rays are the main cause of skin problems and they are extremely dangerous for the skin. Allah has created Ozone layer to protect the humanity from these rays; ozone layer filters these rays from all the rays coming from the skin. But some rays reach the earth because the capacity of the ozone layer reduces to avoid these rays from reaching the earth. This capacity is reduced because of the exposure of dangerous gases into the air.
One of these skin problems is actinic Keratosis. Such type of skin condition is due to dry patches that appear on the skin, when skin exposes to the sun rays. Such patches are similar in outlook to lesions, although both of them are different from one another. Patches that appear on the skin is a continual process and if it develops once, it continues to develop for years because no one cares of exposing himself to the sun rays. The color of all the spots that appear on the skin is same, but their sizes very. The size of the smallest spot is equal to the size of the lead of the pencil while the biggest spot is equal to the size of quarter. These spots are usually round or oval in shape, but sometimes they form a horn like structure. Such horn like actinic Keratosis is called cutaneous horns.
Actinic Keratosis is extremely dangerous because they can gradually progress and becomes a skin cancer. Such types of skin cancer are formed when the patient may not be able to find the spot change. Squamous carcinoma is the type of skin cancer usually caused by actinic Keratosis. Patient must go the doctor and visit him if he finds any spot of actinic Keratosis on his skin because this gives a chance for melanoma to develop. Melanoma is extremely dangerous skin cancer because it has the ability to spread in all organs. The name actinic Keratosis describes itself its name in which actinic describes the part of the skin in which chemical reactions take place as the result of over exposure to the skin.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
30th November 2011
Different home remedies are available to overcome the problem of skin keratosis. Keratosis is a skin condition that affects most people around the world. These spots alert people who are infected by skin problems or affected by the conditions of keratosis. The conditions of keratosis are also manifested and cause problems for the human skin. If the patient sees the condition, he should consult with a doctor or these cells can become cancerous. When these spots turn cancerous, they spread into other organs and become dangerous for the life of the patient. This form of keratosis cannot be controlled using home remedies, but other forms of remedies can control it.
Much research is conducted in different departments of the world. This research is useful in determining the home remedies for keratosis that suit you. However, the best place to search for these remedies is the internet. You can find the remedies of your choice on internet. There are many options available of which one option may suit you. The internet provides you with the bulk of information and plenty of good ideas about home remedies for keratosis.
The internet describes different types of keratosis in detail. It also helps the user to choose which form of keratosis the user is suffering from and what is the best home remedy to control the keratosis. Many users post their experiences on the internet about their use of home remedies, and you can see their experience and choose the home remedy for the type of keratosis you are suffering from. There are also different websites that have information regarding various home remedies. You can see those websites and get the information about their uses and effectiveness.
The best way of choosing the home remedies for keratosis is by consulting the doctor or physician. Doctors are the most experienced people in this field and can tell you which home remedy best suits you for the type of keratosis you are suffering from. Consulting a skin specialist is the best option for choosing a remedy for skin keratosis. This is useful and important for you because doctors will tell you the options based on patient experience. Their choices are accurate and also based on many years of training. There is no better way to treat keratosis except having a doctor choose a home remedy for you.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
24th November 2011
Skin keratosis is an issue for those people who have skin diseases. Most of the people who work outdoors in the sun suffer from this disease. Sunrays have different types of rays including ultraviolet rays that are extremely dangerous for skin. Although Allah has helped man by creating the ozone layer to protect the humans from these damaging rays, but excessive pollution in the atmosphere has reduced its protective abilities. Ultraviolet sunrays are the main cause of keratosis. The eyes and the skin of patients with keratosis are usually pale or light color. Keratosis cells produce other cells called keratin. When keratin increases, spots start appearing on the skin. These spots that appear on the skin can be dangerous for the patient. Although some of them are not dangerous to the health of the patient, they may grow in excess. The spots that are dangerous for the health of patients is called malignant, while the ones that are not dangerous and do not grow in excess are called benign. Most people do not like to have these spots appear on their skin and if they appear, they remove them so that they may look beautiful and healthy. There are many means that are useful for the removal of these spots.
The natural ingredients that are very helpful in removing benign spots include rubbing lemon sugar on the affected area. Lemon sugar is the mixture of sugar, honey, almond oil, and lemon oil. This method of treatment is not only cheap, but also produces healthy and soft skin if applied properly. The medical method of treatment is also useful and involves liquid nitrogen that stops the growth of keratin inside the skin. This method can produce good results if the growth of keratosis on the skin is thin. Likewise, if the growth on the skin is thick, it is not useful. Another medical treatment method includes curettage. In this method of treatment, a physician applies local anesthetic on the affected part of the patient, and then uses a curette to scrape off the growth. Another medical treatment method is electro surgery. In electro surgery, an electric charge is applied to the affected part of the skin and stops the growth of keratosis.
Another important method of treatment of keratosis is glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is a concentrated acid, so it is diluted with water to avoid burning the skin. This method of treatment is very simple and effective, and it can produce good results.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
16th November 2011
Seborrheic Keratosis is also called senile wart and is a type of skin growth that starts its working from keratinocytes. This skin growth is non-cancerous and looks same like liver spots that growth on human skin. These spots grow on the skins of people whose range increases and these spots are sometimes called barnacles of people of old age.
The colors of these spots vary from light pink to black color. Their shape is oval or slightly elevated and size is more than 2.5 cm. They look similar to warts, but they are not warts and are not originated from viral origins. They also look similar to melanoma skin cancer, but are much different non-cancerous spots. The top layers of skin are involved in their growth and are described as pasted on appearance on skin.
There are many different classes of Seborrheic keratosis. These classes are common Seborrheic keratosis also called as solid Seborrheic keratosis, reticulated Seborrheic keratosis also known as Adenoid Seborrheic keratosis, Stucco keratosis also known as Digitate Seborrheic keratoses, Clonal Seborrheic keratoses, irritated Seborrheic keratoses and some other classes.
Visual diagnosis method is used to diagnose these spots. This method is used because these darks spots are heard to visualized and differentiate from nodular melanomas. If doctor is not sure about these spots, he should performed skin biopsy. These spots are very difficult to differentiate from lentigo maligna even if dermatoscopy is performed. The spots that look similar to Seborrheic keratoses are epidermal nevi. Actually epidermal nevi are the spots that appear on the skin at the time of birth or near birth. There are some other spots that are also similar to Seborrheic keratoses, these spots include warts and condylomas, but they are different from these spots and skin biopsy is required to differentiate between these spots.
The treatment of these spots is not necessary if they are properly diagnosed. These spots only cause infection on the skin. Usually the main cause of the production of these spots is clothing or jewelry, but they can easily remove from the skin using cryosurgery. There are some lesions that are small in size and can be treated using light electrocautery. But for the larger lesions, the methods of treatment include shave excision or cryotherapy. When these spots are removed from the skin, sometimes darks color skin appears instead of them, but proper method of treatment may remove that skin color from the skin too.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
9th November 2011
Lichenoid keratosis is a benign brown or reddish colored graze on the skin. It occurs as a result of exposing the skin to too much sunlight under little or no protection. It is commonly seen as a red-looking spot on major parts of the upper body, like the face, head, neck, chest etc, and other inner parts of the body. A typical lesion will develop within three months. The early coloration of the lesion is brown, but it may change to violet as the growth progresses. It is unevenly scattered on the skin and has a resemblance with a skin disease known as photokeratoses. Although, Lichenoid keratosis is common among Caucasians of ages 30-80, lower occurrences are also noticed among other ethnicities. It is prevalent among females than males. It is usually at the frequency of 76% female to 36% male. The affected people are usually those that have had regular time of staying under the sun with little or no protection.
The appearance of the spot affected is used for diagnosing Lichenoid keratosis. The method of diagnosis used is called dermoscopy. A biopsy is also conducted on the affected cells in the area to determine the analysis and also to remove any further appearance of the disorder. Keratosis symptoms include the lesions and itching or mild stinging. The spot of the lesion looks scaly and the size varies in sizes. People having this skin disorder can remove the lesion in three major ways; by surgical removal, Liquid nitrogen curettage and topical creams.
Keratosis can be removed surgically by laser surgery. The surgery procedure involves the application of local anesthetic and then the cell carcinoma is detached from the spot, after which a biopsy is conducted on the cells removed to ensure that they are not cancerous.
The second way to treat Lichenoid Keratosis is by using liquid nitrogen and curettage. The process involves freezing the lesion using liquid nitrogen and then detaching it by scraping it with a surgical instrument known as curette. After detaching the cell from the body, it will then be examined to determine the existence or cause of the skin disorder.
The last method involves the use of relevant creams and balms prescribed by doctors. Creams that are usually prescribed for keratosis includes: Tretinoin, Imiquimod and some other common creams that has corticosteroid as an active ingredient.
People affected with Lichenoid keratosis should consult their doctors for proper advice on how to treat it.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
2nd November 2011
Keratosis is a result of production of excessive protein called keratin in the body. It is commonly noticed on the skin of people who exposes their skin to excessive sunlight without protection. It is also linked with hereditary in some cases. The symptoms of keratosis depend largely on the type of keratosis involved. Because of the different symptoms involved, it is sometimes diagnosed wrongly as skin cancer, warts or acne. Some keratosis is benign in nature while some are malignant. Both of them require adequate examination by a dermatologist. There are different types of keratosis: Keratosis pilaris, acnitic keratosis, Saborreheic keratosis, senile keratosis and follicular keratosis.
Keratosis pilaris, also known as chicken rash, is popular and common and well recognized. Why it is called chicken rash is that the affected area looks like chicken’s skin. The lumps produced by keratosis pilaris are usually small, red in color and appears in group. Normally, the color changes as time progresses and the size may not increase. Because it is benign, it is not painful and may not itchy. It also constitutes no danger to health.
Actinic keratosis is also known as solar keratosis or sunspots. It is a lump like growth on the surface of the skin. The lump can be hard and scaly and the general feel is rough and flat. It is reddish in color in people that are light skinned and light pink in people with darker color.
Seborrheic keratosis has an appearance that looks like a skin wart. Nevertheless, it is not a wart because the virus triggering wart is not found in it. The lumps are not painful or dangerous to health and will not develop into a skin cancer. It is not transmittable from one person to another and its cause is not ascertained. Though, it is linked with exposure to excessive sunlight and heredity.
Senile keratoses appear as a flat bump on the skin surface. They have pointed shape and the color is grayish black and can also be seen as pink in some people. The senile keratosis is soft in nature and appears like warts. The keratoses spot can be dry and scaly. The bumps are benign.
Follicular keratosis is also called keratosis follicularis, dariers disease etc. It starts from the hair follicle located inside the skin. It normally affects people’s hand, ears, nose, foreheads, neck, thighs and abdomen. Its occurrence is very rare as compared to all other types of keratosis mentioned above and it is hereditary in most cases.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
26th October 2011
Seborrheic keratosis is spots or growths on the skin. It usually affects part of the body such as the back, on stomach, face and scalp. The color is light brown on first appearance, but darker as it grows. It can spread as time progresses. It is common among Caucasians with both women and men sufferers. It hardly affects people with dark skin colors. Research and test has shown that seborrheic keratosis is common among people who love sun bathing with little or no protection from the sun rays. People who have keratosis should look for any keratosis removal treatments available at their disposal.
Seborrheic keratosis removal is not easy. Several people have tried the use of therapy, laser and scraping with little or no result. People who desire to undergo keratosis removal can use glycolic acid solution to remove it. There are quite a number of successes recorded with people who underwent keratosis removal by applying the solution to the affected area of their skin. The treatment is done over a period of four days for effective and fast result. On the first and second day, the glycolic acid solution is prepared with a concentration level of about 30-35%. For proper application, it should be poured into a sprayer bottle so that it can be sprayed on the affected area of the skin. Although, the solution may sting at first, it should not be wiped off. It should be left to dry on the skin. The treatment can be applied at night just before going to bed. On the third and fourth day of the treatment, Celandine can be sprayed instead of using glycolic acid. It should not be wiped off. It should be left on the skin without rinsing off throughout the night.
If the spot or lump is still visible on the skin, the solution can be reapplied for total keratosis removal. After the treatment, the skin may look pinkish red. This is an indication that Seborrheic keratosis is destroyed. Later on, crusts can be seen on the affected spot and then, the spot will gradually disappear revealing the skin. The skin continues to heal. For people who experiences discoloration of their skin, they can apply any lightening cream on the affected area to blend the spot with the remaining part of the body.
People who desire to undergo Seborrheic keratosis removal should use the glycolic acid solution should first go for patch test before starting the treatment. It is also necessary to commence treatment with lesser concentration of glycolic acid and gradually increase it if the appearance is not changing. The treatment of Seborrheic keratosis removal enumerable above is very effective.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
21st October 2011
Senile keratosis are growths that looks like mole appearing on the face, back and hands of people who are thirty to fifty years of age and above. It is common with people who have fair and paled skin. The growths are not painful and they have no correlation in any way with cancer. It usually occurs when the skin is exposed to too much sunlight. Senile keratosis is a form of actinic keratosis.
The symptom of keratosis is the appearance of little bumps growing out of the surface of the skin. The numbers of the bumps varies in size, usually from about 1mm to 3mm and larger. They are rough in texture and they can itch or sting. The coloration on the skin is red. People affected with senile keratosis should consult their doctors for proper medication, especially if the keratosis is painful, infected or growing in size that is beyond measure.
Senile keratosis is diagnosed by examining the skin condition. Doctors normally use intense light and magnifying lens to search for swelling or lump on the areas affected. If it is on the hair, the scalp is checked by splitting the hair to look for lesions or lump. After carrying out the examinations, a sample of the skin can now be taken for biopsy for further test. Senile keratosis can be treated by using four methods: liquid nitrogen, curettage and electrosuggery, medications and photodynamic therapy.
The first method for treating senile keratosis is by using liquid nitrogen. The skin is frozen with liquid nitrogen to terminate the growth. This process can set off pain that can be mild, but last up to about three good days. It heals in about 7 to 14 days. There is no scar noticed except in people with dark skin where the affected areas may appear light.
The second method involves the use of curettage and electrosurgey. Local anesthetic is applied on the affected spot to numb the skin. The lump is peeled off by the aid of the curette. After that, electrosurgery is now applied to reduce bleeding and wipe out any abnormal cells left over.
Medications can also be prescribed by doctors. Creams like fluorouracil, diclofenac etc can be applied to reduce and remove the effect of the growth.
The last method for treating senile keratosis is the use of photodynamic therapy. This involves using light together with medicine applied on the surface of the skin. The light aids the medicine to wipe out the senile keratosis.
For best treatment results, people suffering from senile keratosis should go for early treatment as soon as the symptoms start manifesting.
Recent Keratosis Articles:
12th October 2011
Keratosis is usually seen on people who loves sun baths and those who spend long hours either working or bathing in the sun. Keratosis occur as a result of extreme exposure to sun rays. Patients of keratosis are people with pale and light colored skin or eyes. Keratosis are skin disorders that result from production of too much keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are cells of the skin responsible for the production of keratin. Keratosis are manifested on the skin by a growth of keratin on the skin. There are different kinds of keratosis. Some of the growths are malignant, that is, dangerous to health and may grow excessively. Others are benign, which means they are not dangerous to health and may not grow. Because of the different kinds of keratosis, people who have it normally remove it for health or beauty reasons. Keratosis can be removed in several ways. People affected can use medical means and home natural ingredients to treat it.
Natural ingredient
Keratosis can be treated by rubbing lemon sugar on the affected area. It is made from sugar, almond oil, honey and lemon oil. The method is inexpensive and produces a good soft and smooth skin when properly administered.
Medical methods
Keratosis can be treated medically by the use of cryotherapy. It is a process that involves the use of liquid nitrogen to congeal the growths. It is effective if the growth is thin and not thick. Another medical treatment that can be used is Curettage. The doctor applies local anesthetic first on the affected area and then the curette is used to scrape off the growth. This process can be used in conjunction with electrocuatery. This involves using electrical charge to scorch the growths and wipe them out.
Glycolic acid can also be used to remove keratosis growth from the skin. It is an acid that is very concentrated and so must be diluted to avoid burning. The concentration of the acid can be 30% and poured into a spray bottle to be sprayed on the spots affected. It is a very effective method and very easy to use. Another acid that can be applied on keratosis growth is hydrogen peroxide. The concentration should be 20-40%. The direction for use is based on doctors’ prescription.
For appropriate solution to keratosis growths, people should contact or consult their doctors who are in a good position to prescribe medications based on the skin and type of keratosis involved.
Recent Keratosis Articles: