Removal of Senile Keratosis

Senile keratosis is a skin condition that is so irritating. This is attributed to the fact that it causes the skin have warty appearances thus making an infected person have low self esteem. For instance, once a conspicuous area of the body is affected then a person will be the centre of attraction wherever he or she is. Senile keratosis has been prevalent among people with more than forty years. Nevertheless, today there are minor cases of young people suffering from senile keratosis. There is no known cause of this skin condition among the older people. However, experts suggest that senile keratosis could be caused by the contemporary skin chemicals used by the young generation. Therefore, there is need to address this condition whenever it arises.

There are so many ways of removing this skin condition but not all are efficient. In addition, others could be efficient but not affordable. By consequent; there is need for any infected person to know the cheap methods for removing senile keratosis.

Use of hydrogen peroxide is so instrumental in the quest to remove senile keratosis. This is a chemical that is easily available in any store or chemist. Apart from availability, it is so affordable. Once you purchase it, dilute it to a 25% concentration and apply it to the infected part of the skin. This is done by using a soft piece of cloth. While doing this, ensure that the chemical does not come in contact with the mouth, eyes or nostril. Incase such an accident occurs, wash the part with lots of water before seeing a physician. After the application, cover the area with a duct tape to prevent its evaporation hence increase chances of absorption.

Alternatively, you can use glycolic acid. This is a chemical whose effectiveness is second to none. It has been used to control senile keratosis for over a long period of time. Once you purchase it, apply it to the infected skin area using a piece of cloth before covering it with a duct tape to prevent evaporation. As you use this chemical, it is recommended that you dilute it to a 12% concentration to realize the best results. Just like using hydrogen peroxide, it is important to be careful and protect parts such as eyes, nostrils and the mouth when using glycolic acid to remove senile keratosis.



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